
David Foster





Hello Everyone.
My name is David Foster and I am a short, twenty five year-old athletic black guy and a USA Navy sailor.  I am originally from a small town named Cleveland, Mississippi and grew up there. I am not here to talk about myself.  Something much bigger than myself has been introduced to me and is now with me for life.  It is called Aikisumbo. 

 I have always wanted to learn martial arts since I was a kid, but my parents were always in a financial struggle and could not afford it.  I loved to watch a lot of kung fu movies and the Bruce Lee films.  Fast forward up to 2011 and that’s when I stumbled across Aikisumbo. 
Many people may not have heard of this martial art because it is a new born.  It is a composition of Russian Sumbo, Karate, Aikido, and many other fluid movements.  It will flow well with anyone looking for an all-around self-defense.  The founder is a man by the name a Kenji Nakazawa.  Kenji was born and raised in Japan and has spent a great deal of time in the USA. 

 I pray that anyone who visits Japan will have the privilege of meeting him.  He has so much to teach and just one minute of his instruction is enough to make you grow into a better man or woman.  Aikisumbo allows the practitioner to become healthier and increases the confidence in one’s self by strengthening their spirit.  I have trained in this art for three years while I was in Japan, 5-6 days a week.  I completed many intensive one on one private lessons as well and I have to say, it was the hardest thing that I have ever done in my life.  Aikisumbo will show anyone who practices it, their lack of disciplines in all other areas of life as well. 
Through this process one becomes humbled and more enlightened.  It is like climbing Mt. Everest except people make it out alive in this one.  I strongly encourage anyone who takes this art to stick with for the rest of their life because with this art, one can practice and learn easily from any other art.  I can talk all day about the great power of this art but in order to truly experience it, you must do it.  I wish everyone a blessed day!  Thank you.

David Foster


7/27 野外稽古


